
Saturday, July 21, 2018

News! New Hacking Tools - 2018 - Target Exploits and Vulnerabilities Easily

New Hacking Tools - 2018

With Increase in Technology, Increase the demand for Cyber Security and it is also essential to develop the latest Ethical Hacking Tools for Cyber Security Experts.

So Here's a News about the Hacking tools Release recently -

1. Blackeye - A Free Phishing Tool

So what is this phishing tool all about?

Blackeye is tool scripted in the shell to perform a phishing attack inside and outside LAN combined with ngrok.
It can be used for social engineering related pen testing jobs, it may also come in handy for red teaming when trying to gather passwords that could be used elsewhere.

What features does it offer?

Blackeye is the most complete phishing tool yet with 37 web templates +1 customizable. It can collect IP and location information just by clicking the link.
– Supports mobile version
– The tool has arm support
– Supports templates of some websites that are hard to clone and unsupported by other tools.
How Can You Install it?
git clone
cd blackeye

Is the tool actively supported?

At the time of writing Blackeye is actively supported, the team is also open to suggestions.
Any suggestion about the tool or any WebApp or Desktop Application can be made by contacting @itsexceptional on Instagram.
2. Sqlmap – Free Tool for SQL Injection Discovery And Exploitation
Sqlmap is an open source tool used to test the SQL injection vulnerabilities within web applications.  The tool requires Python 2.6.x and 2.7.x. The tool is capable of databases fingerprinting, fetching data from the databases, accessing the database file systems, and running different commands on the target server.

Sqlmap Installation

The tool can be installed by cloning the GitHub repository.
git clone --depth 1 sqlmap-dev

Exploiting SQL Injections

Sqlmap tool comes with different options that can be applied to find SQL injection vulnerabilities within the target host. These options can be explored through the following commands.
python -h
python -hh
By default, Sqlmap works using the GET parameter. However, we can specify the POST parameters too. The target host can be tested using the following command.
python –u <target url here>
Although sqlmap has built-in functionality to parse forms on the target website for SQL vulnerabilities, we can still do the parsing manually using the following commands. Manual parsing is more effective than the built-in parsing feature.
python –forms -u <target URL here>
Once a SQL injection vulnerability is discovered, the tool will allow for the target to be further exploited.

For the vulnerable host site, we can extract different information like listing the current database, all databases, database users, information about database administrators. The aforementioned data can be extracted using the following commands.
python -u <target url here> --dbs (Lists all databases)
python -u <target url here> --current --db (Lists current database)
python -u <target url here> --users (Lists database system users)
Of course, much more can be achieved from this tool, with the main objective of the tool being to find usernames and passwords of users within the database as well as potentially gain shell access to the underlying server.
the tool provides warnings if defensive measures are in place such as a WAF, IDS, IPS etc
Penetration testers use Sqlmap for testing for and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities. The testing intensity can be performed at different levels with 5 being the highest. Level 1 is the default level. Level 2 adds HTTP Cookie header in the security test.  Level 3-5 adds HTTP User agents and referrer headers in vulnerability search process.

3. Webpwn3r – Web Application Vulnerability Scanner

Webpwn3r is a powerful scanning tool, written in Python, to detect remote command execution vulnerabilities, cross-site scripting attacks, and database weaknesses in the web applications.


The current version of the tool has the ability to scan a single URL or a list of URLs provided in a text file. The tool is able to provide information about the remote code injection vulnerabilities in the desired URL or list of URLs. Webpwn3r can detect WAF (Web Application Firewall) technologies such as Web Knight, it also performs XSS vulnerability scanning on the target web applications. The other features include the fingerprinting of the backend technologies of the target web applications and scanning for SQL injection vulnerabilities on the target web application.


Webpwn3r can be installed by cloning the tool from a GitHub repository using the following command.
git clone

How it Works

webpwn3r run command
Using Webpwn3r is quite simple.  After successfully cloning the tool, change the directory to the Webpwn3r folder to run the following command.
The command launches the Webpwn3r with an option to select a single URL or multiple URLs scanning. For the sake of this tutorial, we have selected first option i-e single URL scanning. Once the URL is provided to the tool, it makes a connection with the remote web application server. The status code [200 ok] means the connection has been set up successfully and the tool is ready to start the fingerprinting of the remote technology used by the web application. After fingerprinting, Webpwn3r scans the target URL for Remote code (command execution), XSS, and error based SQL injection possibilities. The tool tests the SQL injection for MySQL, MSSQL, MSACCESS, PostGreSQL, and Oracle databases. If the target URL is secure, the tool responds with no vulnerabilities found the message.
If a vulnerability exists on a target URL, it is displayed in the Webpwn3r results.
Webpwn3r is a powerful scanning tool with the payloads that can bypass many security filters and web applications firewalls. The tool is very useful for web applications penetration testing.
4. Osueta – A Script for OpenSSH Server Side Attacks

So what is this Osueta script all about?

Osueta is a powerful python script used for exploiting the OpenSSH vulnerabilities through User-Enumeration Time based attack methodology. With a User-Enumerated Time-based attack, the attacker searches for usernames on a target server. The attack is unique in the sense it makes the brute force attack more effective by utilizing efforts on finding just the passwords for the identified usernames.
OpenSSH is a network level security suite that uses Secure Shell (SSH) protocol to secure the network communication through different encryption techniques. The SSH protocol was introduced to secure networks from Man in the middle (MITM) and Eavesdropping cyber-attacks. Since OpenSSH server uses a username and password-based authentication protocols, Osueta becomes handy in exploiting OpenSSH server vulnerabilities and finding the usernames on the target server.

Installing Osueta

In Linux, Osueta can be installed through the following commands.
apt-get install python-ipy python-nmap
pip install paramiko
git clone
Once Osueta is installed, change the directory to osueta either by following the osueta directory path or by copying the Osueta folder to the Desktop and redirecting to osueta using the following commands.
cd Desktop
cd osueta

Let’s see Osueta in Action!

To see Osueta into action, we need to find out the target IP address. This can be done by using the following command. The <url> in the following command is the target service URL hosted on the target server.
whatweb <url>
The above command helps in finding the server IP address along with other useful information as depicted in the following screenshot.
After successfully finding the server IP address, use the following command to find out the username on the target server.
python –H <IP Address Here> –U pp –p 22
Here the H <IP Address> is the server IP address. The represents random username. The is the port number used in the attack. In the given case, it is 22. When the command is run, Osueta checks if the port is open or closed. If the port is open, it detects the service banner to know the SSH version. Afterward, Osueta tests random usernames by analyzing time delays. A list of usernames can also be fed into Osueta to check if the username exists at the server. If there is a time delay, it means the username exists because the server is busy in generating and comparing the hash of a very long password provided by Osueta.

So what else can it do?

Osueta can also be used to launch a Denial of Service (DoS) attack using the following command.
./ –H <IP Address Here>  –p 22 –U pp –v no –dos yes
The syntax “dos” represents the Denial of Service attack.
So, These are some latest tools used in ethical hacking to target your social media accounts and other sites and check the exploits and vulnerabilities.

For More Information - Click Here 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

You? Target of Artificial intelligence Cyber Attacks – News ! You Have To Understand


The next major cyber attack could involve Artificial Intelligence Expert SystemsIt could even happen very early: At a recent cybersecurity conference, 62 industry professionalsout of the 100 questioned, said they thought the first AI-enhanced cyberattack could come in the next 12 months.

Artificial Intelligence Powered Cyber Attacks

This doesn’t mean robots will be marching down Your Main Streets. Rather, artificial intelligence will make existing cyber attack efforts – things like to examine theft, denial-of-service attacks, and password cracking – more powerful and more efficient. 

This is dangerous enough – this type of hacking can steal moneycause emotional harm and even injure or kill people

Larger attacks can cut power to hundreds of thousands of peopleshut down hospitals and even affect national security.

Way to Analyze Cyber Attacks with AI

Adding AI to today’s cybercrime and cybersecurity world will escalate what is already a rapidly changing arms race between attackers and defenders.

Automated Faster Attacks

Beyond computers’ lack of need for food and sleep – needs that limit human hackers’ efforts, even when they work in teams – automation can make complex attacks much faster and more effective.

To date, the effects of automation have been limited. Very rudimentary AI-like capabilities have for decades given virus programs the ability to self-replicate, spreading from computer to computer without specific human instructions. 

In addition, programmers have used their skills to automate different elements of hacking efforts. 

Distributed attacks, for example, involve triggering a remote program on several computers or devices to overwhelm servers. The attack that shut down large sections of the internet in October 2016 used this type of approach. 

In some cases, common attacks are made available as a script that allows an unsophisticated user to choose a target and launch an attack against it.

Improved adaptation

AI-enabled attackers will also be much faster to react when they encounter resistance, or when cybersecurity experts fix weaknesses that had previously allowed entry by unauthorized users. 
The AI may be able to exploit another vulnerability, or start scanning for new ways into the system – without waiting for human instructions.
This could mean that human responders and defenders find themselves unable to keep up with the speed of incoming attacks. 

Avoiding the dangers

Operating autonomously could lead AI systems to attack a system it shouldn’t, or cause unexpected damage
For example, software started by an attacker intending only to steal money might decide to target a hospital computer in a way that causes human injury or death. 
The potential for unmanned aerial vehicles to operate autonomously has raised similar questions of the need for humans to make the decisions about targets.
AI Powered Cyber Attacks can Hack Your Facebook, Youtube, Amazon and other accounts as well and can target your money for doing this.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Top 5 Operating Systems Used for Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing

Top 5 Operating Systems Used For Ethical Hacking And Penetration Testing

What is Operating System (OS)?

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.

Now, It’s time to pause the archaic Windows vs. OS X vs. Linux discussion and switch over to some advanced operating systems dedicated to pen testing and ethical hacking. 
This list includes Linux distros like Kali Linux, Parrot Security OS, BlackArch, etc.

Top 5 Operating Systems Used For Ethical Hacking And Penetration Testing - 2018


It is developed by Offensive Security as the rewrite of BackTrack and tops our list as one of the top operating systems for hacking purposes. This Debian-based OS comes with 500+ preinstalled pen testing tools and applications that make your security toolbox richer to start along. These flexible tools are frequently updated and are offered for different platforms like ARM and VMware. Kali Linux is also feasible for a forensic job as it comes with a live boot capability that provides a perfect environment for vulnerability detection.
Download Kali Linux


It is also a Debian-based OS that is developed by Frozenbox’s team. Parrot security is a cloud-friendly operating system designed for ethical hacking, pen testing, computer forensics, cryptography, etc. Compared to others, Parrot Security OS is a lightweight OS that is highly efficient to work with. Parrot Security OS is a mixture of Frozenbox OS and Kali Linux. Moreover, this highly customizable hacking operating system also comes with a strong community support.
Download Parrot Security OS


BackBox Linux is an Ubuntu-based operating system that is used for security assessment and penetration testing. BackBox Linux has a wide range of security analysis tools that can be used for web application analysis, network analysis, etc. It is fast and easy to use Linux distro that is famous among hacker’s community which comes with a complete desktop environment. The software applications provided by the OS are regularly updated with the most stable versions.
Download BackBox

4. Samurai Web Testing Framework

Samurai Web Testing Framework is essentially a live Linux environment that comes pre-configured to work as a web penetration testing platform. It contains multiple free and open source hacking tools for detecting web vulnerabilities. It is often known as the best operating system for Web Penetration Testing.


The open-source Linux distribution “DEFT” stands for Digital Evidence and Forensic Toolkit. DEFT is based on Ubuntu and built around the DART (Digital Advanced Response Toolkit) software. It is preconfigured with many popular forensic tools and documents that can be used by ethical hackers, penetration testers, IT security specialists, and other individuals.
Download DEFT Linux

However, there are many other distributions as well that are used by many professional, but these are the mainly used distributions that are highly recommended and preferred by experienced professionals from the field. Moreover, the selection of Linux distribution depends on the purpose for what purpose it is being used.
For More Knowledge of Ethical Hacking Click Here

Saturday, June 30, 2018

DDoS Attack - Working and Tools

DDoS Attack

What is DDoS Attack?

  • Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is a subclass of denial of service (DoS) attacks. A DDoS attack involves multiple connected online devices, collectively known as a Botnet, which is used to overwhelm a target website with fake traffic.
  • A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic.
  • From a high level, a DDoS attack is like a traffic jam clogging up with the highway, preventing regular traffic from arriving at its desired destination.

Difference Between DoS and DDoS Attack?

In a DoS attack, a perpetrator uses a single Internet connection to either exploit a software vulnerability or flood a target with fake requests—usually in an attempt to exhaust server resources (e.g., RAM and CPU).

On the other hand, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is launched from multiple connected devices that are distributed across the Internet. These multi-person, multi-device barrages are generally harder to deflect, mostly due to the sheer volume of devices involved. Unlike single-source DoS attacks.

DDoS attacks also differ in the manner of their execution. Broadly speaking, DoS attacks are launched using homebrewed scripts or DoS tools (e.g., Low Orbit Ion Canon), while DDoS attacks are launched from botnets — large clusters of connected devices (e.g., cell phones, PCs or routers) infected with malware that allows remote control by an attacker.

How does a DDoS attack work?

A DDoS attack requires an attacker to gain control of a network of online machines in order to carry out an attack. Computers and other machines (such as IoT devices) are infected with malware, turning each one into a bot (or zombie). The attacker then has remote control over the group of bots, which is called a botnet.
Once a botnet has been established, the attacker is able to direct the machines by sending updated instructions to each bot via a method of remote control. When the IP address of a victim is targeted by the botnet, each bot will respond by sending requests to the target, potentially causing the targeted server or network to overflow capacity, resulting in a denial-of-service to normal traffic. Because each bot is a legitimate Internet device, separating the attack traffic from normal traffic can be difficult.

What are common types of DDoS attacks?

Different DDoS attack vectors target varying components of a network connection. In order to understand how different DDoS attacks work, it is necessary to know how a network connection is made. A network connection on the Internet is composed of many different components or “layers”. Like building a house from the ground up, each step in the model has a different purpose. The OSI model, shown below, is a conceptual framework used to describe network connectivity in 7 distinct layers.

There are 3 Types of Attacks  -
1. Application Layer attack
2. Protocol Attack
3. Volumetric Attack

Tools Used in DoS/DDoS Attacks -

1. Slowloris
2. LOIC ( Low Orbit Ion Cannon )
3. GoldenEye
4. HOIC ( High Orbit Ion Cannon )
6. RUDY ( R U Dead Yet ? )
7. TOR's Hammer
9. Pyloris
10. HULK ( Http Unbreakable Load King )

Andriod Tools -

1. AnDOSid

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Latest Trends in Computer Science


Quoting J. Ullman “Computer Science is a science of abstraction -creating the right model for a problem and devising the appropriate merchandisable techniques to solve it.” This quote clearly describes the real essence of computer science.

The new areas that have been catching the attention of researchers in the field of Computer Science recently but rather lately are as mentioned below -


With the global robotics industry forecast to be worth US$38 billion by 2018, a large portion of this growth is down to the strength of interest and investment in artificial intelligence (AI) – one of the most controversial and intriguing areas of computer science research. 

The technology is still in its early stages, but tech giants like Facebook, Google and IBM are investing huge amounts of money and resources into AI research. 

There’s certainly no shortage of opportunities to develop real-world applications of the technology, and there’s immense scope for break-through moments in this field.

AI has changed over time, but at the core, there has always been the idea of building machines which are capable of thinking like humans.

Systems such as IBM’s Watson cognitive computing platform use high-level simulations of human neurological processes to carry out an ever-growing range of tasks without being specifically taught how to do them.


A fascinating application of big data, bioinformatics, or the use of programming and software development to build enormous datasets of biological information for research purposes, carries enormous potential. 

Linking big pharma companies with software companies, bioinformatics is growing in demand and offers good job prospects for computer science researchers and graduates interested in biology, medical technology, pharmaceuticals and computer information science.  

Bioinformaticians develop systems to gather data. A key aspect of bioinformatics is the creation of data algorithms and specialized computer software to identify and classify components of a biological system, such as DNA and protein sequences. They consult with other scientists and researchers to analyze data sets.

Here biological Problems are solved using computer codes. Therefore, Bioinformatics career opportunities are mainly based on Research and doing masters in Bioinformatics, perhaps would get you a job with a high paid salary.


Back in 2012, the Harvard Business Review branded data science the ‘sexiest job’ of the 21 century. Yes, you read that correctly. 

There has been a surge in demand for experts in this field and doubled efforts on the part of brands and agencies to boost salaries and attract data science talents. 

From banking to healthcare, big data analytics is everywhere, as companies increasingly attempt to make better use of the enormous datasets they have, in order to personalize and improve their services.

Big data analytics helps organizations harness their data and use it to identify new opportunities. That, in turn, leads to smarter business moves, more efficient operations, higher profits and happier customers.

Hadoop is an open-source software framework for storing data and running applications on clusters of commodity hardware.

4. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

After 2016 VR promises to be the tipping point, as VR technologies reach a critical mass of functionality, reliability, ease of use, affordability, and availability. 

Augmented reality (AR) adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. Virtual reality (VR) implies a complete immersion experience that shuts out the physical world.
Movie studios are partnering with VR vendors to bring content to market. News organizations are similarly working with VR companies to bring immersive experiences of news directly into the home, including live events.
The stage is set for broad adoption of VR beyond entertainment and gaming — to the day when VR will help change the physical interface between man and machine, propelling a world so far only envisioned in science fiction. 
At the same time, the use of augmented reality (AR) is expanding. Whereas VR replaces the actual physical world, AR is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input, such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. 
With the help of advanced AR technology (e.g., adding computer vision and object recognition), the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and can be manipulated digitally.


Edge computing allows data produced by the internet of things (IoT) devices to be processed closer to where it is created instead of sending it across long routes to data centers or clouds.
Doing this computing closer to the edge of the network lets organizations analyze important data in near real-time – a need of organizations across many industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, telecommunications, and finance.
Edge computing is a “mesh network of microdata centers that process or store critical data locally and push all received data to a central data center or cloud storage repository, in a footprint of less than 100 square feet,” according to research firm IDC.
“In most scenarios, the presumption that everything will be in the cloud with a strong and stable fat pipe between the cloud and the edge device – that’s just not realistic,” says Helder Antunes, senior director of corporate strategic innovation at Cisco.

There is just a basic knowledge about the trends and you can grow even more by searching more on the internet.

News! New Hacking Tools - 2018 - Target Exploits and Vulnerabilities Easily

New Hacking Tools - 2018 With Increase in Technology, Increase the demand for Cyber Security and it is also essential to develop the ...